I Broke Down In Tears with My Seniors 😭(true story)

Nothing about the past six months has been fair, and it all hit me in one hot emotional mess when I gathered all my seniors together so I could give them a pep talk.

I wanted to help them deal with their social and emotional needs as their senior year starts off with all of us in our own spaces instead of being gathered together in our cozy family-oriented band room. I thought I could help them feel better.

Boy, was I surprised at their response. It wasn’t what I’d imagined.

Hang in there, teacher friends.

This is hard. It will continue to be hard. But if you watch this 4 minute video, you’ll get some stellar advice you might not expect – and it isn’t coming from me, but it just might help you put this all in perspective.

I feel your struggle. Be patient with yourself. You are enough just as you are.

With you on this journey-