We talk about professional development all the time. But what about the PERSONAL development of teachers? When do we give educators the tools they need to have the stamina to do the hard work that they do?
There is no doubt that this coming school year will be like no other.
From how we deliver instruction to handling all the new stressors that have been added to our plates (like raising your own kids while teaching a Zoom lesson to your students, having to plan for at least six different ways to deliver instruction, and not even knowing if your subject will be offered, for example), teachers will be under even more stress than ever.
The administrators who are keeping their staff members’ well-being in mind as they talk through the possible scenarios are demonstrating that they understand the connection between healthy teachers (physically, mentally, and emotionally) and student success.
What if YOU could be the hero who provides your staff with the gift of personal development? Do you think they might be able to serve students better if they weren’t so overwhelmed, overworked, and overstressed?
Teachers and administrators are notorious for planning ahead and having backup plans for our backup plans, but nothing truly prepared any of us for the uncertainty, anxiety, and stressors we are dealing with now that there’s a pandemic sweeping the globe and there is so much unrest.
Somehow, staff members across the country are going to meet our students either virtually or in person and support them in a learning environment that will be new, difficult to manage, and full of challenges that go way beyond what we’ve been trained to do.
There are so many unknowns and it has teachers from coast to coast reeling.
In my interviews with dozens of educators over the past few months, they keep asking questions like:
- Why am I so sad, anxious, and unable to sleep?
- Now that I’m working from home, my work and personal lives are so intertwined. How can I get a reasonable balance between my professional and personal lives?
- I’m so overwhelmed, I don’t even know what to do first to wrap my head around all this. What can I do to feel a sense of control again?
- How are teachers who are struggling with our own emotions supposed to also support students, parents, and their own families when getting through each day is so difficult?
From book clubs and wellness groups to individuals and private clients, thousands of educators have used my signature mPower Method to help them identify the biggest challenges that keep them from being the most effective teacher they can be and what they can do to overcome them. Through the self-assessments and homework, readers are able to pinpoint the areas where they’re struggling, what the possible root causes for their problems are, and concrete steps they can take to finding sustainable solutions that help them function at their best.
Education is the key to success.
And that’s why administrators who recognize the important role teacher wellness plays in the success of students, schools, and communities, invest in the very people who are responsible for the welfare of others. The realize that if the teachers are not healthy and happy, it is very diffiult for them to be fully present for their students.
Supporting teachers in their personal development has never been easier or more effective – or more important!
For a short time only, administrators are eligible for a fantastic offer from my publisher and me because you have enough on your plates to worry about you know this is important to address, so let us help you.
If you are an administrator, I can help you provide staff members with the tool they need to:
- Identify their biggest stressors and what they can do to reduce the impact of the stress on their health
- Learn how to effectively balance work and personal lives, whether that’s in-person or virtual teaching
- Use simple and practical techniques to help them create habits that support them based on their personal and professional situation so they can serve their students and stay healthier
- Find ways to stay mentally and physically fit for a school year that will require more stamina than ever before
If you purchase print copies of I Love My Job but It’s Killing Me in bulk before July 31, you’ll receive a discount off the list price of $14.95 AND get some pretty cool bonuses. Check it out:

You can reserve your books now (no payment required at this time). As soon as you submit your request, I will be notified and will contact you about delivery and payment. We DO accept POs and credit cards.
Act NOW because my publisher has big changes coming in August, so these offers can’t last.
You will get a link for an immediate download of ebook to share with your staff so they can start any time!
All bonuses can be scheduled upon receipt of payment.
Print books will be delivered from publisher as soon as they are available.
My books are #1 International Best Sellers in a variety of categories because the techniques I teach are practical, effective, and sustainable:
- Work-Related Health
- Education
- Classroom Management
- Injury Prevention
- Holistic Medicine
Administrators have important roles to play in the well-being of their staff. The benefits of having teachers who have the stamina to make it through all the challenges that come with the new school year make this an investment that will impact your staff, students, and community…and make your job a little easier, too!
THANK YOU for the important work you do through your countless hours and dedication. I look forward to working with you and your staff!
With you on this journey –