
Effortless Classroom Management: From Chaos to Calm in 21 Days with Today’s 21st Century Students

The way many of us were taught to manage our classrooms worked great back in the day, but things are different now and those strategies are not always effective in today’s world.


  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Short Attention Spans
  • Awkward Social Skills
  • Trauma
  • A Lot of Influences that Impact Their Ability to Learn in a Traditional Classroom Setting
  • Addiction (phones)
  • Over-Stimulation
  • Lack of Proper Sleep
  • Lack of Proper Nutrition
  • Chaotic Home Lives


  • Students have a hard time focusing
  • Students are easily distracted
  • Students are distracting to others
  • Anxiety, depression, and trauma keep students’ physiological and biological makeup in stress mode, overloading them with cortisol and other hormones that literally make it impossible for them to focus and learn
  • Not all students trust adults and are resistant to authority, which adds to the challenge of managing and teaching classes
  • Good classroom management typically requires an active process by the teacher to constantly keep students engaged, and that’s exhausting hour after hour, day after day


Imagine what it would be like to have a classroom where you are able to:

  • Get students to fully relax in your presence
  • Guide them so their heart rates are relaxed and at a similar pace
  • Disperse the unproductive energy and noise that comes with a new class entering your room
  • Help students change from being in a state of over-stimulation and stress to being calm and relaxed in your presence, literally changing the hormones their bodies produce, allowing them to access their brains for discovery and learning instead of being in flight-or-fight mode
  • Invest four minutes a day that fundamentally up-levels the ease with which you teach and students learn

Here’s what Chelsey, one of the directors I’ve worked with through Band Director Boot Camp, says about the First Four Minute protocol I teach:

“Band Director Boot Camp was a game changer for me. It’s helped restore positivity and peace to the culture of my classroom, introduced many significant new protocols that alight with our school’s theme and mission, and has taken the headache off of me and given responsibility to my students. We are all operating in a healthier, more efficient classroom where each individual has a role and we feel safe within our four walls. We laugh as a family and I know they’ll continue on knowing that band was a place where they belonged.”

I’ve been using this new protocol in my classroom since 2016 and the results are off-the-charts amazing, both in my classroom and in my personal life.

  • Classroom management is a breeze
  • Students play in tune much better as their bodies are more sensitive to pitch when they are relaxed
  • They are more musically artistic and expressive
  • Nearly all tardies have been eliminated
  • Students are much more engaged
  • Performance skills (and scores at Regional and State festivals and competitions) are markedly higher across the board
  • Stress levels are much lower for students and teachers
  • Non-instructional distractions are eliminated or greatly reduced
  • Benefits carry over from year-to-year
  • Kids like the benefits on a personal and group level, so they are motivated to do this every day
  • Much higher retention rate of what they learn
  • Reduced heart rates and controlling excess energy results in much easier teaching and learning environment
  • Students and teachers tap into the intuitiveness of music
  • Teaching is much more fun and far less exhausting, resulting in a happier and healthier teacher and students!

If you’ve “tried everything” and are out of ideas for how to get your classes to self-manage their behavior so you can spend your energy teaching, then I’d love to talk to you about what I’ve learned and see if it could help you.

You see, I am on a mission to help music teachers build successful programs without burning out, and that starts by making teaching less stressful!

In a desperate attempt to save my own health so I could stay in my classroom, I learned some things that fundamentally up-leveled my personal health and led to a dramatic upswing in my professional success as an added bonus. My students and I have the benefit of incredible day-to-day experiences that revolve around making great music and memories together because our work together has become effortless.

The directors I have worked with to create and implement this strategy in their classrooms have seen dramatic results with lower stress levels, more job satisfaction, higher student success, and much more. In other words, they are loving their jobs again!

Are YOU ready to fast-track your music program to the next level? Let’s talk about it!

With you on the journey!


The Biggest Mistake I Made When I Was Trying to Build My Band Program

From as early as I can remember, I knew I was going to be a high school band director. My dad was my high school band director and our family’s life revolved around that band program. I wanted to build the same kind of program that would be visible in the school, community, and beyond and I really wanted to serve students and their families in the process.

I did it … but it was often really hard. I was doing everything I thought I should do to take the program to the next level, but I was desperate to learn how to be an even better teacher without all the trial and error. I wanted to be a band director who was able to spend more time teaching music and less time managing all the drama that goes with the gig. So in addition to teaching full time, I’d attend conferences and professional development to build my skills as a teacher in order to help my students and the program flourish.

It puzzled me as to why I’d go to a conference, attend tons of amazing sessions, capture all kinds of ideas for everything from how to teach intonation and select literature to the nuts-and-bolts of percussion instrument maintenance and incorporating SEL components into my lessons, and return to my classroom gung-ho to implement all the incredible ideas so I could fast-track my students and my program, but after a week or two of trying the new ideas, we’d lose momentum and I’d slip back into old habits.

At conferences, I’d take copious notes and ask lots of questions at the sessions, so why was I having such a hard time successfully implementing these techniques in my classroom? How could I be a more effective teacher without working even harder? How could I work smarter?

In a lot of ways, it makes me think of Pinterest – you know what I mean, you see a post on Pinterest that is way too cool to pass up, so you dive in and gather everything you need to make that Disney Princess cake (even though you’ve never decorated a cake before) and start the project. Only your cake doesn’t look anything like the one in the photo you saw. Instead, you’ve got a hot mess of frosting that makes the princesses look like they’ve been caught in a downpour. Even though you followed all the steps, your results were clearly not aligned with what you intended to do.

That’s how I used to feel after conferences. I would try the newest tuning technique or breathing exercises that someone was teaching at a conference, and I’d get good results…for a while. Then the students and I would slip into old habits and we’d be right back to where we started. It was frustrating for everyone.

As I got older and wiser (and tired of wasting precious time and energy), I took a hard look at why I was having a hard time implementing so many of these awesome strategies my peers were teaching.

The biggest mistake I made when it came to building my program came down to this: I’d take all these new ideas and try to implement them in my classroom and would get haphazard results. I wanted to accelerate kids’ learning so much that I’d overwhelm them with too much and we’d all get frustrated. After the novelty of whatever it was I was trying to implement wore off, momentum to keep working on it faded (on my part and for the students), and then I would assume the new idea didn’t work, when, in fact, it turns out when ideas weren’t successful, it was generally because I hadn’t thought through the crucial steps of how to implement them in a way that made sense in my classroom.

As you head to conferences and other professional development this spring, I’d like to offer a few pointers I’ve picked up over the more than three decades I’ve spent as a band director so you can fast-track your program to success … without burning out in the process.

  • Don’t try to implement every strategy you learned in every conference session at the same time!
  • Do pick one strategy that will have the biggest impact on getting you to your primary goal and make a commitment to incorporating it into your routine for 21 days. (For example, if you’ve attended a great session about how to teach students to learn to tune, spend a little time every day for 21 days practicing the new technique so you’ll be able to truly assess whether or not it’s having an impact.)
  • Consider how you will implement what you learn into your own program (vs. trying to just immediately implement the technique the identical way the person who introduced it did in his or her classroom) so it will be sustainable instead of just one more thing you tried that ends up not working.
  • Have a non-negotiable why behind the reason you are implementing the new skill or procedure so you aren’t tempted to just give up when it gets hard.
  • Think about your personality, your students, the way you teach best, and use those things to inform the best way for you introduce and implement new ideas so they are successful with your kiddos.
  • Find a trusted mentor who is committed to helping you hold yourself accountable and be there to help you through the hard stuff. There’s no substitute for collaborating with someone who’s achieved goals you’re aiming for and having them help you get there faster, easier, and with more sustainable results!
Livin’ the Dream! Here I am in the 1970s. My siblings were lined up on the couch with pretend instruments and piano music while I cranked music on the stereo and conducted them. I wanted to be just like my dad!

Teaching is hard work. When you have ideas or learn new teaching strategies, they can be game-changers … if they’re introduced and implemented properly. After all, isn’t that the ultimate goal when you attend a conference or PD? Don’t you want to take a new idea back to your classroom and see improvements for you and your students?

It can be hard to know where to start or what to do next to move your program in the direction you want it to go. That’s where I come in. I help music teachers build successful programs without burning out. I believe music educators can change the world, and it’s my mission on this planet to help music teachers build sustainable programs they can serve in for a long time. We have important work to do, and I’m here to support music teachers on their journey.

To schedule a complimentary 15-minute call to see if we’d be a good fit to work together, click this calendar link and let’s connect! I’ve got a couple of openings for motivated music teachers who are tired of trial and error and are ready for results!

With you on the journey-


What’s YOUR Super Power?

I Used to be Really Good at Classroom Management, But Things Are Different Now

For most of my teaching career, I had been really good classroom management.

As soon as attendance was taken each day, I’d get the kids’ attention so we could get down to business. I had clear expectations and the kids were almost always really good about meeting them. I was quite effective at keeping kids engaged and classes ran smoothly. It took a lot of energy to do this hour after hour and day after day, but the consistent efforts gave me really good results, so I continued to work hard to maintain outstanding classroom control.

Sure, there were always a handful of kids in each class who were excessively chatty or who couldn’t seem to stop playing their horns when I cut the band off in rehearsals, but 97% of the time, I was in control and things ran smoothly. At the end of the day, I usually felt pretty darned good about how my classes operated.

But as the decades have passed, teaching has changed. Kids today are different than when we were kids, and if you’ve been teaching for more than ten years, you know that teaching effectively in this day and age requires a different set of skills than how we were taught in school.

Teenagers haven’t changed – they are simply reflecting what they see going on around them. Having been exposed (or dare I say OVER-exposed) to electronics and other stimuli since birth, their attention spans and ability to focus on anything for more than a few minutes is staggeringly low. It’s not their fault, but that is their reality.

Traditional forms of classroom management and discipline aren’t always effective in today’s classroom.

Like I said at the beginning of this, I used to be really good at classroom management.

But now things are different. Now the students in my classes manage their own behavior and I spend my time and energy teaching music instead of responding to student disruptions!

Several years ago I made a significant change in how I approached teaching, and the results have been off-the-charts amazing!

In the 30,000+ classes I have taught in my teaching career, it is how I structure the FIRST FOUR MINUTES that has fundamentally uprooted everything about how my classes run and how students are learning and retaining what I teach.

I asked my students to share how the First Four Minutes have impacted our class. Here are a few of their responses:

  • We play better in tune because we can feel pitch and not just hear pitch.
  • We are more musically sensitive and expressive.
  • Hardly anyone is tardy anymore. (They don’t want to miss our routine)
  • Everyone is more engaged.
  • Our performance skills are improved.
  • The stress level is much lower.
  • Non-instructional noise has been eliminated.
  • Benefits carry over from year to year as students.
  • It’s easier to learn and retain what we learn.
  • We have a communal energy.
  • Music feels much more intuitive and easier to learn.
  • Band is a lot of fun because we can work super efficiently and make great music together. In my old band (where we didn’t do this routine), so much time was wasted on discipline and constant disruptions that I stopped looking forward to that class. I almost quit, but now that I’m in a class where we actually get to spend time playing music, I’m staying!

As a teacher, I have reaped the benefits of having classes where I get to do the very thing I wanted to do all my life – teach music! I get to do it in a setting where classroom management has become effortless. I no longer expend energy on “being in control” because I’ve learned to teach students how to take control of their own energy. And they do it. Every day.

I love one of my recent client’s comments where she said,

“I’m in a coaching cycle with this outstanding author and Bad Ass Band Director and ideas are constantly leaping off the pages in the book and out of our Zoom calls. Even strategies I didn’t know I needed are coming to life and finding a home in my unique and non-traditional classroom.

Chelsey has implemented my First Four Minute routine into her classroom and it has been a game-changer for her, too. The reason it’s working is because we took the concept and customized it into a routine that works in her classroom and in her situation.

That’s what I do now – I help teachers create and implement a successful First Four Minute routine that helps them take today’s students and get them ready to focus and learn so they can teach content and not spend their energy “controlling their classroom.”

If you are a music teacher who is already running a successful program but needs an easier, more effective, and reliable way to keep kids’ attention and focus without having to give constant reminders, (you know what I’m talking about…”put away your phone”, “trumpets – stop talking”, “percussionists, wake up and pay attention”, etc.) then I’d like to talk to you.

I am looking for a small group of dedicated music teachers who have a 2020 VISION of taking their already good program to the next level by learning and implementing a strategy that will fundamentally up-level their teaching.

Because we are kicking off a new decade, I am offering a 50% tuition discount to anyone who schedules a strategy session with me by January 5. I am interested in working with teachers who are highly motivated to get results and who are open to achieving them in unconventional ways.

If you know you have a lot to teach your students and want to spend more time teaching and less time re-teaching and managing your classroom, I can help you!

Click the link below and let’s talk about your situation. If I can help, I will offer to do so. If I can’t help, I will be honest with you so you don’t waste your time or money.

Are you going to up-level in 2020? I’m with you on the journey. Schedule a call and let’s get started!

Hugs – Lesley

Band Director Boot Camp

What if you could spend your summer enjoying your family and still be ready to hit the ground running with your program ready to flourish when school starts?

One of the biggest challenges band directors face is finding balance between teaching, building and managing a program, and having time and energy for their personal lives.

Our jobs involve so much more than just teaching kids how to play songs for concerts and football games. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes before we even get into the classroom, and so much to do to build and maintain our music programs so we can continually offer a high-quality experience for our kiddos. And somehow we are supposed to be able to do it all and still have energy left over for our own families.

And since most of us band directors are Type A people who pride ourselves on taking care of other people, we never think of asking for help when it comes to doing all the things that need to take place for our programs to be successful. We simply do whatever it takes to get the job done.

When I started my first teaching gig, I was the ripe old age of 23, just a few years older than the students in my classes. All the years of training in high school and college had prepared me for much of what I was about to encounter, but there was a LOT of stuff I was about to learn through baptism by fire!

Besides the instructional part of the gig, I had to figure out how to do a ton of other things that are crucial to supporting a growing music program. I attended conferences, reached out to other band directors, and asked a million questions. I had to learn a lot of things on the fly…and through lots of trial and error.

I was spending so much time and energy on administrative things like managing budgets, building a booster program, running fundraisers and trips, keeping inventory, selecting repertoire, and doing all the necessary peripheral activities that it began taking time and energy from my own family.

The reality was that my program was growing by leaps and bounds, but the cost to my personal life and health was pretty high. In less than ten years, the size of the bands tripled – and along with that, so did the workload.

I found myself loving what I was doing, and the results were fantastic, except on my own health. I was wearing myself ragged as I built this program, and I was spending more time with other people’s kids than my own children.

There had to be a way to serve my students without sacrificing my health and time with my own family.

As much as I loved what I was doing, I couldn’t maintain the intensity anymore, so I began to look at ways to streamline my processes so I could spend more time and energy on teaching and less on the administrative pieces.

The result of this has become the basis for my next book, No More 14-Hour Work Days. The book, which will be released next year, is full of practical advice and reusable templates for everything from building a booster program and managing trip finances to selecting repertoire and getting your groups to perform on stages like Disney Theme Parks and Carnegie Hall. It’s a collection of the materials I’ve created in the three-plus decades I’ve spent as a high school band director and includes lots of tried and true ideas for building your program.

The book was written as a tool for band directors who want to build successful programs with high retention rates and supportive booster programs so they can work their magic in the classroom and have energy left for their own families.

I am looking for a few band directors who are starting fresh or ready for a fresh start in building a successful program to participate in Band Director Boot Camp this summer.

This program will teach you proven strategies that will help you:

  • Build a successful music program in your school with your vision
  • Have high retention rates, providing on-going enrollment that builds a strong culture that sustains itself
  • Create or expand a booster group that can provide support with everything from inventory and finances to chaperoning and more, freeing you up to spend time in the music-making part of your job
  • Get more done in less time with greater results by having access to the physical resources (templates, samples, etc.) and personal help (my expertise, connections to other people and programs) available through this program
  • Learn which management tools can help you streamline all your inventory, finances, library, personnel, attendance, and other records all in one place
  • Take your program to the next level, whether that’s expanding enrollment or getting on stages like Carnegie Hall or Disney Theme Parks
  • Increase the rate of student participation in outside opportunities (solo and ensemble / honor groups / community ensembles) to give the students and your program more positive exposure
  • Create a student-centered program where with a family atmosphere of support that draws people to want to be part of it
  • Manage all the drama that comes with the territory!

At the end of Band Director Boot Camp, you will have:

  • An action plan that outlines your upcoming school year with activities to support your goals and program
  • Resources to help you achieve those goals (templates, connections to people in the industry, personal help from me, support from like-minded peers, etc.)
  • Realistic timelines and processes to ensure the goals are achievable and met
  • On-going support opportunities as you implement these program-building strategies
  • An autographed copy of my first book, I Love My Job but It’s Killing Me: The Teacher’s Guide to Conquering Chronic Stress and Sickness, before it’s available in bookstores

If you’d like to find out more about Band Director Bootcamp, just send me an email at with “Boot Camp” in the message and I’ll get back to you.

I’m looking forward to helping a few band directors set up next year to build the programs they’ve been dreaming of without having to sacrifice family time to make it happen. Can’t wait to see the magic happen!



What’s YOUR plan for beating the stress and exhaustion that comes with teaching during this hectic time of year?

As we come to this time of the year, the demands of our jobs can be even more overwhelming with testing, concerts, festivals, field trips, meetings, graduation, and dozens of additional requirements being added to our plates.

One of my clients, Michelle, came to me six weeks ago because she was tired of feeling crappy and she knew that getting through spring semester was going to be really tough if she didn’t do something to feel better fast.

She says, “I have been on several diets, but nothing worked. I thought, why not try what Lesley offered? I decided to take a leap of faith, and never looked back. Lesley’s 4 m’s: music, meals, movement, and mindfulness, have changed my life for the better. Her experience and support have helped me stay focused and positive. In the past 4 weeks, my high blood pressure has decreased.  I have been breathing more and becoming more mindful about my breath. I’m so thankful that I found Lesley.”

If you’ve tried everything you can think of to manage your stress, aches and pains, exhaustion, and weight issues and you haven’t gotten the results you desire, then it’s time to try something different.

Let me put my 31 years of experience as a teacher who has finally figured out how to beat the chronic exhaustion and illnesses brought about by stress to work for YOU.

People keep asking me why I wrote this book. Here’s the reason –

Book an Appointment


If you’ve tried everything else and are ready to finally get healthy once and for all, and then you’ll want to check out my Fit and Fabulous class that starts in March.
In the class, you’ll get personalized help that will help you reach your health goals. By working together, we will create a plan that WORKS FOR YOU.
I’ll help you implement the strategies in my book to have you feeling better and having:

  • More energy
  • Better sleep
  • A healthier weight
  • Less brain fog
  • Reduced or eliminated aches and pains
  • Less stress, sickness, and exhaustion

If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, then click the link and see if you’re ready to take the next step that can change your life.

I have a couple spaces left in my next class that begins in March. Let’s chat and see if now is the time for you to take charge of your life.

Haven’t you lived with the stress and exhaustion long enough? Spring into spring with a bounce in your step and renewed energy. You deserve it.

Thank You!

Thank you for checking out my book, I Love My Job, but It’s Killing Me.
I’m hoping you can help me spread the word to teachers who could use some advice on how to get healthy so they can stay in their amazing career. Would you consider posting a review on Amazon? Maybe even one I could include in my print book? If you’d be willing to share a few sentences about how you think the book can be helpful (and maybe even give it a 5-star rating) then it’ll receive more traffic and the info can be used by others. If you get it to me by March 10, I can include it in my print book – and you’ll GET A FREE AUTOGRAPHED PRINT COPY of the book!

The Book is Live

Schedule a FREE consult to get healthy NOW!

In celebration of my book coming out next week, I’m offering my VIP clients one-on-one sessions with each of my healing arts dream team, the three women who helped me go from being unhealthy and heavy to 65 pounds lighter with a new lease on life!
In just eight weeks, you’ll be amazed at the transformation YOU can make in your mental and physical health by investing the time and money in taking care of yourself so you can take care of others.

Does this sound familiar? Your job is awesome, but doing it well takes a toll on your health. As much as you love it, you’re experiencing more insomnia, exhaustion, aches and pains, infections, weight gain, and all of the other ways stress from your job impacts your body.

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and are ready to invest in yourself with a program that will empower you to get back to the energetic person you used to be, look no further.

Based on my mPower Method (outlined in my book), Maestra Class gives you the tools to reclaim your life in SO many ways. This program will help you:

·    Improve your ability to fall and stay asleep
·    Reduce brain fog and exhaustion brought on by stress
·    Eliminate or greatly minimize aches and pains that interfere with your daily work ·    Help you reclaim the energy you need to support your work and family life
·    Give you concrete steps to take when it feels like it’s all falling apart

If you resonate with what you read in the book (request a free copy here), then click the BOOK NOW button to set up a call so we can find out if we are a good fit to work together.

If not now, when?

Book an Appointment

Got the Back-to-School Blues?

You know what I mean – you love teaching, but at the end of a break, the anticipation of heading back to the breakneck and exhausting speed of what it takes to do your job has hijacked the end of your vacation time. Maybe it’s the form of an upset stomach or headache, binge-eating or feeling depressed, not being able to sleep or perhaps being so tired all you can do is sleep, or in dozens of other ways stress shows up in your body. And no matter what you do to distract yourself, your to-do list for school won’t stop hammering at you, making it hard to enjoy the last bit of break time with your family.

Is the cycle of stress and non-stop obligations is making you sick? Is it impacting your physical and mental abilities to do your job? Is it distracting you from your family life? You’ve probably tried dozens of remedies to beat this, but it’s hard to do on your own, especially when life keeps coming at you at cyber-speed and you’re expected to stay on top of it all.

I’ve been where you are, and after decades of dealing with the physical ramifications stress and exhaustion were taking on my body, it nearly killed me. I had to do something besides take more prescription drugs, have more surgeries, and miss more school. I was in chronic pain, taking a toxic cocktail of prescriptions, overweight, depressed, and exhausted. My immune system couldn’t fight off the germs to which I was exposed, so I caught all the bugs that came through my classroom. Trying to keep up a full teaching, parenting, and performing schedule while physically exhausted was taking its toll on my ability to function and do my job.  

If this sounds familiar, then you’ll want to check out my new book I Love My Job But It’s Killing Me: A Teacher’s Guide to Conquering Chronic Stress and Exhaustion.  In it, I share the program I developed to help busy teachers who need help coping with the inevitable stress, exhaustion, and weariness that gets in the way of staying healthy.

In the book, you will learn proven techniques that result in:

# More restorative sleep.

# Fewer aches and pains.

# Stronger immune system = no more pesky colds and other bugs!

# Clearer skin.

# Healthier weight.

# More energy.

# Bye bye brain fog!

As teachers, we are asked to take care of everyone else, and we willingly do so. But when do you get to take care of YOU? What I can tell you from years of personal experience is that if you don’t take care of yourself, pretty soon you’ll be too sick to take care of anyone else, either. The stakes are high, and burnout, chronic illness, and mental fatigue don’t get better on their own.

If you can’t wait until my book is released on Valentine’s Day to find out how you can turn around the symptoms that are making it so hard to do your job, take the FREE Mojo Meter. You’ll get a quick assessment of how you are managing stress and exhaustion. And if you’re ready to invest in yourself on a path to a sustainable healthier and happier future once and for all, one where you find the joy in your job and your personal lives because you are no longer so sick and exhausted, then let’s chat and see if my mPower Method Maestra Class is right for you!

2019 is your year to feel good again. With you on the journey –


New Year, New You

Thanks for requesting the sneak peek of my new book, I Love My Job but It’s Killing Me: A Teacher’s Guide to Conquering Chronic Stress and Exhaustion. Because you reached out, I’m offering a special opportunity for you. If stress and exhaution are making you sick and causing anxiety, take a few minutes and do this Mojo Meter assessment. It’ll show you where your biggest stressors are and give you insight as to how to begin your healthier journey. There’s a special offer at the bottom of the Mojo Meter only for the people who requested the sneak peek, so be sure to read it all.

I’m excited for the Kindle version of my book to be released on Valentines Day because I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve discovered about becoming healthy and happy with women who find themselves overwhelmed and chronically exhausted. I want them to know there is a way to stop the downward spiral to their health issues and I can show them how to get started.

If you don’t want to wait until mid-winter break to reclaim your health, have I got great news for you!

Are you ready for a new you in the new year – like NOW? Imagine how it would feel to:

  • Have more energy.
  • Be closer to your ideal weight.
  • Get restorative sleep.
  • Have more mental clarity – bye-bye brain fog!
  • Have a healthier balance between your work and family lives.

The teacher in me knew the best way to help others was to take what I had learned through my own struggles and victories, create a lesson plan (the book), and share the contents with people I can help.

In my book, which outlines the mPower Method I created, you’ll learn:

  • What your personal stressors are and how to overcome them.
  • How to lose weight in a way that becomes permanent.
  • How to identify and eliminate unnecessary chronic drains on your energy.
  • Steps you can take to rebuild your immune system so you can eliminate chronic illnesses rather than manage multiple symptoms.
  • How to feel frickin’ amazing again!

Perhaps you or someone you know is in a job she loves but is finding that the cumulative years of caring for her own family and trying to keep up with the demands of her career have pushed her to the brink of chronic health issues or perhaps a major health crisis. I can help!

This was me in June of 2017 and June of 2018. I was a hot mess. At 5’7” and 200 pounds, I had arthritis, ADHD, horrible brain fog, chronic exhaustion, migraines, and replacement body parts in my hip, back, and neck. I was on a toxic cocktail of pharmaceuticals to “keep me healthy,” but it only made me sicker in the long run. Fast-forward to today – I’m still 5’7”, but at 135 pounds, I’m off all the pharmaceuticals, I have more energy than I had in my 30s, and I feel like I’ve gotten a new lease on life. The chronic health conditions I’d dealt with for decades are GONE!

The visible changes in me are nothing compared to the changes that took place inside my mind and body. Through a lot of research, trial and error, and lots of hard work, I have transformed from being unhealthy and exhausted to having energy and clarity that sustains me in a new way. I have a renewed zest for life and want to share this plan with everyone who is ready to own their future.

My book contains a practical and sustainable program for achieving your personal health and professional goals. If you don’t want to wait until it’s released on Valentine’s Day, then check out the link above, go to and take the FREE Mojo Meter assessment, or send me an email at to find out if the mPowered Educator program is what you’ve been missing in your quest to manage your health, your job, and your life. I’ve been where you are, so let me put my experience to work for you!

Cheers –
