
Get back to work without getting sick again!

I Love My Job, but It’s Killing Me is a must-read for women who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Are you missing weeks of work because of chronic illness? Is the pressure of getting back to normal making you sick all over again? If you are at the end of your rope, plagued by one ailment after another, and wondering how the heck you’re going to get back to work and back to your life, then look no further. Author Lesley Moffat shows you how to break the vicious cycle and get you back to the career you love without compromising your health any more. If your health is interfering with your ability to do your job and live your life the way you want to live it, then drop everything and read this now!

In I Love My Job, but It’s Killing Me, you’ll learn:

  • The secret to getting back to work (and staying there)
  • The reason your brain fog and exhaustion just won’t go away
  • Concrete steps that you can take when you feel like it’s all falling apart
  • Tips to eliminate the aches and pains that keep you from doing your job
  • How to reclaim the energy you need to support yourself and your family

This book will teach you how to reclaim your health once and for all in a way that’s sustainable so you can get back to work and not be overwhelmed with health issues.

Say hello to the job you love and goodbye to on-going health problems related to chronic stress. This no-nonsense and practical guide gets you started today on the path to improved health and more energy so you can get back to your career without getting sick all the time.