Who Writes a Book Called “Love the Job, Lose the Stress” about Teaching During a Pandemic?!

How could I possibly publish a book about losing stress as a music teacher during a pandemic?

Is it fiction or really possible?

It’s been quite a year for music educators around the world.

While it hasn’t been like anything we ever imagined in the past, there are things we can and must do to ensure the survival of our music programs, and it all starts by serving our students and communities in this new educational environment.

Step one is figuring out what that even means.

And then you can begin taking the steps necessary to ensure the social and emotional needs of your students (and you) are being met through the magic of music education, even through the challenges we face during and after a pandemic.

That’s how we make sure music programs survive so we can continue serving students.

You’ve worked REALLY hard this year.

What would your life be like if you had support that could save you time, energy, and the devastating losses that will occur if your students don’t sign up for music classes next year because their social and emotional needs are no longer being met as we struggle through challenge after challenge?

I don’t have to tell you how important music education is for students. You already know that.

You just might not know how to hold it all together during turbulent times.

Wanna know more? Check out the short video.

I can help.

Here’s to a healthy and more peaceful 2021.

The books have arrived – Can I send you a free copy?